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How to Respond to an Offer of Admission

Admission Decisions

The universities will:

  • Evaluate application files individually and make admission decisions.
  • Make offers at different times throughout the year, depending on the university and program.
  • Communicate offers of admission, including terms of any conditional offers and appropriate response instructions, directly to you.

Review an Respond to and Offer of Admission

To review and respond to an offer of admission:

  1. Log in to your application.
  2. Select “Choices/Offers” in the Application Links menu. If you received an offer of admission, it will be displayed on the Choices/Offers screen.
  3. To respond to an offer, click the offer, which will lead you to the Response to Offer page.
  4. Indicate your response and then select whether you wish to submit now or make additional changes.
  5. Review your application information to ensure your responses were recorded successfully.
  6. Scroll to the end and click “I Verify and Agree”. This will take you to the payment page.
  7. Review the page and scroll to the end and click “Continue” to submit your response to the university.
  8. Wait 1 business day, then log back in to your application to verify your information.

More information about responding to an offer of admission to an: