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The OUAC’s Statement of Commitment to Accessibility

In fulfilling our mission, the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) always strives to provide its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with accessibility needs (persons with disabilities). We are also committed to giving persons with accessibility needs equal opportunity to access and benefit from our services.

We have a history of providing top-quality services based on communicating and transferring information between:

  • the OUAC and applicants,
  • the OUAC and high schools, and
  • the OUAC and universities.

As such, we are committed to providing accessible communications and accommodations in the following ways:

  • All publications the OUAC produces are available in alternative formats for all accessibility needs, upon request.
  • The OUAC will provide accommodations for accessibility needs for the in-person and virtual Ontario Universities’ Events (OUEvents), upon request.
  • When requested, alternative formats will be made available within a timely manner and at no additional cost.

Documents and/or accommodations required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, are available upon request.

View our multi-year accessibility plan.

Accessibility Feedback

Our goal is to meet customer expectations while serving persons with accessibility needs. We welcome and appreciate feedback on how well our services meet those expectations. You can provide feedback on the way we provide services to persons with accessibility needs in the following ways:

  • Telephone: 519-823-1940
  • Mail:
    Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC)
    170 Research Lane
    Guelph ON  N1G 5E2
  • Email

All feedback will be directed to the Director of Business Services.

Where possible, we will give an immediate and full response to a complaint. Some complaints, suggestions or recommendations may, however, require more time and effort to address. Normally, we provide a full response and explanation within 14 business days or as soon as reasonably possible. We will ensure that any response provided is in a format that is accessible to you.

Accessible Formats and Accommodations

Before requesting a document in an accessible format, learn more about Windows accessibility features or Mac accessibility features.

To obtain any document in an accessible format, fill out the Accessible Format Request Form.

To request an accommodation for an Ontario universities’ event (one of the OUEvents), fill out the OUEvents Accessibility Form. Submit your request well in advance of the event to allow enough time for us to arrange for an accommodation for you.

The personal information collected in the Accessible Format Request Form and/or OUEvents Accessibility Request Form will be used only to consult on and fulfill your request. This information will be retained in accordance with the OUAC’s Data Retention and Disposal Policy.

You may also contact us in the following ways:

  • Telephone: 519-823-1940
  • Fax: 519-822-1682
  • Email

Note: The access@ouac.on.ca email address and accessibility request forms are intended for requesting documents in an accessible format, requesting accommodations for events and/or providing feedback only.

For application inquiries and all other inquiries, contact us.

Accessibility at Ontario Universities

Ontario universities are committed to creating equal access to higher education for all academically qualified students.

Universities’ Accessibility Resources

Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities

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