The OUAC collects application fees to cover OUAC operations and to assist with funding university support services.
Each OUAC department uses specific formulae to calculate each university’s portion of the funding. The OUAC operates on a cost-recovery basis and distributes any funds it does not require to the universities. On average, the OUAC distributes over 80% of the application fee revenue it collects to the universities.
OUAC Expenses
OUAC expenses include the following:
- Support for applicants, guidance counsellors, universities and other trading partners, including application guides, guidance counsellor resources, marketing materials for application services and events, and more
- Centralized application-related services for Ontario’s universities:
- Processing applications for undergraduate and professional programs and other university contracts
- Ongoing development and maintenance of secure application systems (software and hardware)
- Managing the eTranscript service hub
- Processing and distributing grades to Ontario’s universities for Ontario and out-of-province students
- Managing online referees for professional programs
- Collecting MCAT and LSAT scores
- Transcript exchange services for both Ontario university and college requests
- Financial and administrative support for the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF), the Ontario Universities’ Regional Fairs, the virtual Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions and Ontario Universities’ Info (OUInfo)
- Administrative support for the Ontario Universities’ Guidance Dialogues (OUGD)
How the Universities Use the Fees
Each university will determine how it uses funds distributed by the OUAC, but some of the activities funded may include:
- The OUF, Regional Fairs and Information Sessions
- Campus open houses, events and tours
- University visits to high schools and community organizations
- Application assessment and evaluation, including transcripts, document processing and supplementary application evaluation
- Campus viewbooks and program-specific materials for students
- Digital communications, social media and advertising
- Customer Relationship Management systems and maintenance
- Application communications and enrollment processing
- Student portals and other online systems
- Resources for prospective students (university websites for future students and parents)
- The bilingual OUInfo database made accessible for students, parents and guidance counsellors to easily find information about university undergraduate programs, admission requirements, scholarships and additional resources